
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

How to install windows vista?

First of all put Windows Vista DVD in your DVD-ROMs drive and restart your computer setup. Windows Vista will start to boot up process. In the next screen ask you to setup your language, time and currency format, keyboard. Choose the required settings and click next to continue. The next screen allows you to install or (windows repair) Vista. Since we are doing a fresh install you will click on "install now". Now type the product key of windows vista. Select "I accept the license terms" and press next. Choose the type of installation you want to perform. Choose the drive in which you want to install the window. You can select the drive options to format, delete, or create new partitions. Windows starts the installation process and starts copying all the necessary files to your hard drive. During installation process your computer restarts several times. When your PC reboots it attempts to boot from CD as it’s the first boot device. After installation copy process is complete you are presented with the Setup Windows dialogue box. At this stage you need to choose a user name, password for your user account. The account you create here is the Administrator account which is the main account for your Windows Vista that has all the privileges. Click next to continue. Now you need to choose your computer name and desktop background. Click next to continue. Choose whether your want to Help protect Windows automatically. Select "Use recommenced settings" to continue. Review your time and date settings. Select your time zone, correct the date and time and click next to continue. Next screen presents you to select your computers current location. You can choose between home, work, and public location. Choose home to continue. finally you will get the Thank you screen that shows you the end of the process. This is not the end of the setup process. There are still many after installation configuration to be done. Click next to continue. Finally you have the logon screen. Just type your password and press enter or click on the arrow to logon to Windows Vista for the first time. Soon as you logon you will be presented with welcome center. You can use the welcome center to configure, customize, and update Windows vista. Later you can also check for latest security and feature updates for the windows vista.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Types of operation system

GUI (graphical user interface):
GUI operating system mainly consists of the graphics and icons and is navigated by the computer mouse. GUI operating system are easy to use and learn because the command is not required to be known or memorized. And because of this fact the GUI OS has become the most predominant OS used by the user today. Some of the example of GUI OS is system 7.x, windows 98 and windows CE.

Multi-user operating systems allow the more than one user to use the same computer setup at a same time and different time as well. A multi-user system is a computer with a OS that supports the multiple users. Some of the examples are Linux, Unix and windows 2000.

An operating system that is capable of executing more than one process at a time. Below are some examples of multiprocessing operating systems. The example of multiprocessing operating system is Linux, UNIX and windows 2000.

Multi tasking: 
An operating system that is capable of allowing multiple software task to run at the same time. Below are some examples of multitasking operating systems. Examples of the OS are UNIX and windows 2000.

Multi threading: 
Operating systems that allow different parts of software program to run concurrently. Operating systems that would fall into these categories are Linux, UNIX and windows 2000.

If you any problem with your computer then you can contact to us:

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Paging and Segmentation

Paging is a scheme for the management of memory by which a computer can store and retrieve data from the secondary storage for the use of main memory. It is a technique that help us to available the data as quickly as possible. In this scheme OS copies certain number of pages into main memory, when a program requires any page then it quickly retrieve from it. If it does not found a page then invalid page fault occurs, then it copies a page from hard drive and copy a backup of page into main memory.

Segmentation is the division of computer’s primary memory into segments or sections. To find reference to a memory location includes a value two things i.e. value that identifies segment and offset. It is also one of the way of implementing memory protection. Segmentation is a logical unit, visible to the user’s program and is of arbitrary size and paging is a physical unit visible to the user’s program and is of fixed size.

If you have any problem with your computer then you can contact to us:


Sunday, November 25, 2012


Scheduling is a process by which thread, process or data flows are given access to a system resources. The schedulers concerned mainly with:
  1. Throughput: The total no of processes that complete their unit per time unit.
  2. Turn around time: Total time between submission of process and it’s completion.
  3. Response time: Amount of time when a request was submitted until the first response is produced.
  4. Waiting time: It is the time for which process remains in a ready queue.

Types of Schedulers:
  • The long term or admission scheduler decides which job or process are to be admitted to the ready queue.
  • The medium term scheduler temporarily removes process from main memory and place them to secondary memory.
In scheduling process starvation is a problem which is a resource management problem where a process does not get a resource for a long time. Aging  is a technique which is used to avoid starvation problem.It works by adding a aging factor to the priority of each request.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Operating System

It is an interface between hardware and user and according to which different peripherals devices perform their function. It provides environment for program development and execution and performs device management, memory management, resource sharing.

Types of OS:-
  • Batched os
  • Distributed os
  • Real time os
  • Timesharing os
  • Multi Programmed os

Most Popular OS:-
  • Windows XP
  • Windows 7
  • Windows Vista
  • Mac OS 

OS will be mainly divided into two parts user + kernel  

Kernel manages the communication between hardware and software components. Kernel is a part where all OS services are stored. A User is an human agent who uses the operating system. User is a part where all user related services are stored.

Types of kernel:-
  • Monolithic kernel: In monolithic kernel, all OS services run along with the main kernel thread. This approach provides rich and powerful hardware access. The main disadvantage of this kernel is the dependencies between system components- a bug in a driver might crash the whole system. Examples of this kernel is UNIX.
  • Micro kernel : A micro kernel designed for specific platform or device on only ever going to have what it needs to operate. The functionality of micro kernel OS contains a  set of servers that communicate through a minimal kernel, leaving as little as possible in 'system space' and as much as possible in 'user space'. Micro kernel are easier to maintain than Monolithic kernel.
OS has many other features  like scheduling, is done to load balance a system effectively or achieve a target quality of service and there is a scheduler which is concerned mainly with:latency ,response time,waiting time.

  1. Throughput -The total no.of processes that complete their execution per time unit.
  2. Response Time -Amount of time it takes from when a request was submitted until the first response is produced.
  3. Latency Time -Turn around time + response time
  4. Waiting Time -Time for which process remain in the ready queue.

OS Components:-
  • Process Management
  • File Management
  • Main Memory Management 
  • I/O Management